Missouri Trails Wiki

Setting: Outside, with stair-like increase in elevation of the desks. The desks are as big as a teacher’s, and are separated on each level by approx. 5 feet. The sky is a deep blue, and there are sparse clouds. The work we are doing is industrial tech and art. We’re dressed in our gym clothes. At the back of the “classroom”, there are bathrooms. This is mid-afternoon, and the class (of ~35)is on the hills, facing Fairmount’s fields. When a student finishes their work for the day, they go into the bathroom and change into their normal clothes, grab their luggage (carry-on-bags for airplanes…) and call their parent(s) to pick them up. The temperature is around 75 degrees F.

At the end of class, Michael and I are talking with Brandon about math problems. Michael has trouble with his luggage, and Brandon’s wearing some huge glasses….and he has buck teeth. He looks like a total nerd-bucket, according to Andrew, as he exits the bathroom. Andrew then goes on to tell Michael and me to be embarrassed, because we look like we’re hiding near the bathroom to prevent us from being seen with Mr. Nerd-Bucket.
