Missouri Trails Wiki

I found my younger self in Canada on a school trip. There was a picnic of sorts, and we met with students from northern Canada. I asked one, "You you learn the native language here?" and she answered, "No. First, we learn English, then French, then Spanish, and then the modern forms of Spanish and French."

I was with just my school group again, and the other kids were playing an outdoor recess game that was very similar to a MMORPG in plot. The leader of a group was called Thunder, but I knew him as Cheekbones. I sure hoped he didn't know I was there, so I convinced some friends to locate him for me so I could hide. He had fiery red hair in here and a fiery disposition as well as being very nice around his identical twin brother. I looked through the yearbook and saw them both together.

Ich war mit Karl und Sylvia. Wir flogen bis den Spielmannszugfeld und standen ums das 10 yard line. Sheriam was fixing our curve and said, "Change the spot, not the form."
